Black radish filled with cheese
puffed rice with algas and kim chi
faina with berejena
"canales" of almond filled with squash pure and pipas de calabaza
House cured lamb with mantaquilla de oveja
and clear bloody mary (not shown)
Buñuelo fliled with trout eggs
(2 different breads not shown, one with rosemary and olive oil and another whole wheat with semillas de calabaza)
Zucchini stuffed with raw shrimp, sauce made with the heads
(flor de calabacín – gamba blanca)
Pulpo with kale and pine nuts
Arroz melosa with clochinas
Rosemary malvavisco
Orange gummynolas
Tartita de chocolate Valhrona
Caramelo de café
Going home will be hard....
Note last week we ate at Fierro and La Salita