
"Home Made" Encurtidos

Esparraguin Salvaje

Morena (far left)

Foie & Pasión

(Also - Vermut from Carmeleta - a new fav)

Fierro sour (sans melocotón in one)

Justina & Gilda (chef's mom made empanada with these flavors - they took out the piparra and put it in the croqueta)

Another of the "guess what it is" dishes - this with primarily one ingredient - chirivía

Ostras & Algas

"Crudo: de Ternera & Tomatoes

Cremona de "De allá y de acá" - made with olive oil and cow lard

mantequilla - not EVOO!

Espárragos ibérico a la Brasa

Rape & Zanahorias

And a little rape frito to finish it off

Sepionet & Piñones Estofados

Elige tu cuchillo

Pato Azulón

Tomillo, Manzana & Apio (why o why o why do the restaurants here love apio sorbet??)

Crema de miso

Ruibarbo & Fresita Silvestres

Pistachio inside

Petit fours for the mate liquor

Petit fours for the cremeat